Is there a God?

There’s nothing in life that has 100% certainty or proof, so most times we just have to follow the evidence to where it leads and hope for the best.

There has been many debates over the years among the smartest people alive, debating on a very crucial topic, Is there a God ? And if there’s a God who is he? This question has plagued everyone’s mind from the beginning of time and many apologists and atheists alike have tried to convince people that God either exists or he doesn’t.

I want you to note that if there is truly a God then this life is a whole different ball game, everything changes if there’s a God.

I believe there’s a God and I believe it’s the Christian God( but that’s a conversation for another day). I’m going to present to you my arguments for the existence of God in the simplest way possible. Let’s imagine we are in court and God is on trial, we are asking if he is real or not, you my audience can decide to either be the unbiased jury or my opposition. Let’s get into it;

1. Creation: many smart scientists have tried to make sense of the creation of the world by coming up with different theories about it, one that is very popular is the Big Bang theory, we can all agree that the universe has a beginning, some scientists and Christians just differ on what that beginning is. Order cannot come out of chaos, something cannot pop out of nothing ,so to say we came out of something that accidentally happened is not a strong argument, whereas if I say the world was carefully designed by a God who exists outside of natural laws carry more weight “recognize that the universe beginning to exist requires something uncaused that exists outside the universe itself.

2. Fine tuning of the universe : Don’t let the big English fool you, the fine tuning of the universe refers to how carefully everything was made so we can exist on this planet, do you really believe something that happened by accident can be this precise? We are the exact distance from the sun to avoid being burnt up, that the slightest change in any of the world’s physical constant will make the earth inhabitable. This honestly points to an intelligent creator

3. Moral objectivity: This one is very simple, we can all agree that there’s good and bad but as humans how do we know what is Good or bad? We can all agree it’s wrong to torture children but why? This shows that objective moral values must exist meaning there must be a God who decides what Good and evil is, if not then our morality would be subjective and I definitely don’t want to live in that type of world where moral values are based on what people think it is.

In court they always say you must prove beyond a reasonable doubt before you can get a conviction, so I hope I’ve been able to plant a seed in your mind on the case for God. I implore you to explore further arguments on this matter and let’s talk about it.

Till next time when we would explore which God, I love you but God loves you more 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾

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